Nove Passos nas Terras de Trás-os-Montes is an immersive project that aims to unveil the natural heritage of the Trás-os-Montes region through nine thematic trails. Each trail offers a unique exploration of the region’s biodiversity, geology, and landscapes, guiding visitors through some of the most ecologically rich areas in Europe. The project also features a dedicated app, allowing users to stamp their “Natural Passport” as they complete each trail.

The logo for Nove Passos nas Terras de Trás-os-Montes is a key element in the branding created by Imperfect. The design creatively combines the number 9 and the letter P into the form of a tree, symbolizing the project’s deep connection with nature and the journey through the nine thematic trails. This tree represents growth, sustainability, and the exploration of the region’s rich biodiversity, geology, and landscapes. Imperfect also conceptualized a brochure box and a “Natural Passport” for tracking progress, along with an engaging video that effectively communicates the project’s goals and invites participation.

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