The IMOBDEC project is a significant initiative committed to fulfilling the ambitious goals set by PNEC2030 and RNC2050, with a targeted focus on the decarbonization of the furniture industry. This project is not just about reducing carbon emissions; it’s about leading the industry towards a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future. The branding created for IMOBDEC has been meticulously designed to capture and communicate this vital mission. It serves as a clear, impactful representation of the project’s dedication to fostering a greener, more sustainable furniture sector.

Imperfect developed the branding for IMOBDEC with the goal of creating a visual identity that not only identifies the project but also communicates its values and objectives effectively. The branding design serves as a statement of IMOBDEC’s mission to promote a more sustainable furniture industry, emphasizing the importance of reducing carbon emissions in alignment with the PNEC2030 and RNC2050 targets.

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