Condexis is a brand that redefines the concept of condominium management. Inspired by the symbol of a clover, the logo conveys luck and harmony while reflecting a commitment to efficiency and proximity. The clover leaves, stylized as houses, reinforce the connection between the brand and its focus on property administration. This modern and functional design is a visual representation of trust, simplicity, and innovation—central values of Condexis. Its branding adapts to multiple formats and contexts, maintaining a clear and impactful message.

IM-PERFECT was responsible for creating Condexis’s visual identity. Starting from a strategic vision, we developed a logo that combines aesthetic simplicity with profound meanings. The use of modern typography, with subtle cuts in the letters, reflects the connections and intersections that characterize integrated condominium management. We also created a communication strategy that reinforces the promise of efficiency and harmony, conveying the brand’s values in an impactful and versatile way, whether in print, digital, or large-format materials.

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