ARTD’52 is a specialized furniture export company with a strong focus on traditional craftsmanship and high-quality furniture production. The company excels in building solid connections between factories and furniture stores, enabling them to create bespoke projects for hotels, luxury residences, and other high-end establishments. ARTD’52 stands out in the market by blending traditional furniture-making techniques with modern project management, ensuring that each piece meets the highest standards of excellence.

Imperfect collaborated with ARTD’52 to develop a brand identity that captures the essence of their expertise and dedication to quality. The logo design was central to this effort, with each letter in “ARTD52” representing a core element of the brand:

A: Symbolizes the artistic approach in every piece of furniture. R: Reinforces the repetition and consistency in quality and craftsmanship. T: Stands for the tradition that informs the company’s methods. Hearth: Represents the passion and care infused into every project. 52: The five and two are inverted to signify the number fifty-two, reflecting the company’s heritage and the passage of time in refining their craft.

The branding process also included the design of high-end packaging, photography, video production, and a detailed brochure that highlights ARTD’52’s products and services.

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